报告题目:continuous controls in quantum systems: an approach from symmetry reduction
报告人:benjamin sheller, post-doctoral scholar, shanghai university
报告摘要:symmetry reduction is a technique used in geometric optimal control which allows for the study of lower-dimensional (though sometimes singular) quotient spaces in order to give information about dynamical systems with many degrees of freedom. in this talk, i will discuss symmetry reduction in the context of k-p problems on the lie group su(n), which has applications to quantum control, in order to illustrate some useful techniques of studying the quotient spaces. i will then discuss the simultaneous control of two spin 1/2 particles with different gyromagnetic ratios in zero field nmr using the techniques of symmetry reduction to find controls without discontinuities.
报告人简介:benjamin sheller graduated with a phd in mathematics and graduate minor in physics from iowa state university in 2019. he has undertaken research in number theory, the control of biomedical systems, and geometric optimal control theory with applications to quantum control. he currently works on utilizing decompositions of lie algebras and lie groups in order to study optimal control, continuous control, and robust control problems in quantum systems.