报告地点: 物质科研楼a309会议室
报告题目:exploring fundamental physics through electromagnetic resonant detectors
报告摘要:quantum sensing stands at the forefront of fundamental physics measurements, poised to significantly advance our comprehension of the universe. within this context, the investigation of ultralight boson dark matter and high-frequency gravitational waves, employing electromagnetic resonant detectors like cavities and lc circuits, has gained substantial popularity in scientific research. this talk will discuss recent experimental breakthroughs in the utilization of a superconducting radiofrequency cavity for the detection of dark photon dark matter and galactic dark photons. furthermore, it delves into the future potential of these detectors in probing dark sectors, emphasizing innovative upgrades that can simultaneously operate as resonant and broadband instruments.
博士后,2022- , 哥本哈根大学玻尔研究所, 2019-2022,中国科学院理论物理研究所