20211019 邀请报告 华为2012实验室 陈子赫博士-雷速体育app官方下载

 20211019 邀请报告 华为2012实验室 陈子赫博士-雷速体育app官方下载
20211019 邀请报告 华为2012实验室 陈子赫博士
发布人:中科院微观磁共振重点实验室  发布时间:2021-10-18   动态浏览次数:100

报告时间:20211019日 上午9:30


报告题目: non-equilibrium dynamics in lattice-confined antiferromagnetic spinor condensates

华为2012实验室 陈子赫博士

博士毕业于oklahoma state university  stillwater


报告摘要:a spinor bose-einstein condensate (bec) is highly controllable especially when combining with optical lattices. lattice-confined spinor bec is an ideal candidate for studying many non-equilibrium quantum dynamics since it can be easily prepared far from equilibrium. i will present the results during my phd studies of our experimental research on non-equilibrium quantum spin dynamics in our spinor bec (23na) confined by 3d cubic optical lattices. i will first introduce the ground state properties of the system including the superfluid to mott-insulator phase transitions, which can be either first-order or second-order. i will then focus on two experiments using quantum quench to drive the system out of equilibrium. based on the observed spin dynamics we not only find the number distribution in our system, but also measure the spin-dependent interaction of the atom. the system also serves as a quantum simulator to study the complex many-body dynamics.
