刘明哲,男,1995年生于天津,2023年于中国科学技术大学获得理学博士学位。主要从事固体缺陷性质的理论研究,利用第一性原理计算方法,探索后过渡金属离子激活发光和固体自旋量子点的物理机制。主要研究内容包括:构建激活中心各能态的势能面,揭示发光动力学过程的微观本质,理解各光跃迁的竞争与协同作用;考虑外界环境对自旋量子点局域结构的调控,预测有限温度下自旋量子点的性能。 2018.09-2023.11中国科学技术大学,凝聚态物理,博士 2014.09-2018.07中国科学技术大学,物理学,学士
2023.12至 今 中国科学技术大学,博士后
mingzhe liu, xin zhao, tianyu xie, shaoyi xu, fazhan shi* and chang-kui duan*. a first-principles investigation of the impact of stress and lattice vibration on the hyperfine interactions of the nitrogen-vacancy center in diamond, .phys. rev. b 108, 155150 (2023). mingzhe liu#, hei-yui kai#, anjun huang#, chang-kui duan*, ka-leung wong, and peter a. tanner*. first-principles and experimental study of trace impurities and near-infrared emission in alkaline earth hexaaluminates. chem. mater. 35, 2999–3007 (2023). shaoyi xu#, mingzhe liu#, tianyu xie*, zhiyuan zhao, qian shi, pei yu, chang-kui duan*, fazhan shi, and jiangfeng du*. high-precision measurements and first-principles explanation of the temperature-dependent 13c and 14n hyperfine interactions of single nv- centers in diamond at room temperature. phys. rev. b 107, l140101 (2023). anjun huang#, mingzhe liu#, chang-kui duan*, ka-leung wong*, and peter a. tanner*. understanding the ultraviolet, green, red, near infrared and infrared emission properties of bismuth halide double perovskite. inorg. chem. front. 9, 6379–6390 (2022). mingzhe liu, chang-kui duan*, peter a. tanner*, chong-geng ma, xiantao wei, and min yin. understanding photoluminescence of cs2zrcl6 doped with post-transition-metal ions using first-principles calculations. phys. rev. b 105, 195137 (2022). mingzhe liu, chang-kui duan*, peter a. tanner*, chong-geng ma, and min yin. rationalizing the photoluminescence of bi3 and sb3 in double perovskite halide crystals. j. phys. chem. c 125, 26670–26678 (2021).