陈巧玲 博士后-雷速体育app官方下载

 陈巧玲 博士后-雷速体育app官方下载
陈巧玲 博士后
发布人:中科院微观磁共振重点实验室  发布时间:2023-02-20   动态浏览次数:10


陈巧玲 博士后









  • 学历:



  • 主要工作经历:

2022.12至 今 中国科学技术大学,博士后

  • 目前主持的主要科研项目:(如有)




  • 代表性研究论文:(按年代倒序排列,粗体突出本人和期刊名)

  1. qiaoling chen; longbing shang; haoming xu; chonggeng ma; peter a. tanner*; chang-kuiduan*; rationalizing the structural changes and spectra of manganese and their temperature dependence in a series of garnets with first-principles calculations, phys. rev. b, 2022, 105(3): 035158

  2. qiaoling chen; mingzhe liu;longbing shang; chang-kuiduan*; elucidating the multisite and multivalence nature of mn ions in solids and predicting their optical transition properties: a case study on a series of garnet hosts, inorg. chem., 2022, 61(46): 18690-18700

  3. qiaoling chen; longbing shang; chong-geng ma; chang-kuiduan*; angular jahn–teller effect and photoluminescence of the tetrahedral coordinated mn2 activators in solids–a first-principles study, inorg. chem., 2022, 61(34): 13471-13480

  4. qiaoling chen, longbing shang, haoming xu, chonggeng ma, and changkuiduan, multiple-valence and visible to near-infrared photoluminescence of manganese in znga2o4: a first-principles study, j. phys. chem. c 2021, 125, 2178021790;

  5. qiaoling chen; zhaoyang feng; mingzhe liu; bibo lou; chong-geng ma; chang-kuiduan*; the photoluminescence of isolated and paired bi3 ions in layered lnocl crystals: a first-principles study, phys. chem. chem. phys., 2022, 24(22): 14064-14071

  6. qiaoling chen; weiguo jing; yau-yuen yeung; min yin*; chang-kuiduan*; mechanisms of bismuth-activated near-infrared photoluminescence – a first-principles study on the mxcl3 series, phys. chem. chem. phys., 2021, 23(32): 17420-17429.

  7. qiaoling chen, bibo lou, weiguo jing, min yin, yau-yuen yeung, liangbi suand chang-kuiduan, first principles study on low valence states photoluminescence in bi-doped m2b5o9cl crystals, j. alloys compd. 2021, 863, 158704.
