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姓名: | 袁军华 教授 |
工作单位: | 中国科学技术大学物理系 中国科学院微观磁共振重点实验室 |
电话: | 0551-63600851 |
e-mail: | jhyuan(at)ustc.edu.cn |
1993.9-1998.7 中国科学技术大学近代物理系,理学学士
1998.9-2005.12 加州理工学院,物理学博士
2006.1-2012.5 哈佛大学分子及细胞生物学系,博士后/research associate
2012.5-至今 中国科学技术大学物理学院,教授
1. hui shi, shuwen ma, rongjing zhang, junhua yuan*, a hidden state in the turnover of a functioning membrane protein complex. science advances 5: eaau6885 (2019).
2. f. wang, h. shi, r. he, r. wang, r. zhang*, j. yuan*, nonequilibrium effect in the allosteric regulation of the bacterial flagellar switch. nature physics 13:710-714(2017).
3. b. wang, r. zhang, and j. yuan*, limiting (zero-load) speed of the rotary motor of escherichia coli is independent of the number of torque-generating units. pnas 114:12478-12482(2017).
4. f. wang, j. yuan* and h.c. berg*, switching dynamics of the bacterial flagellar motor near zero load. pnas 111:15752-15755(2014)
5. j. yuan, r.w. branch, b.g. hosu and h.c. berg, adaptation at the output of the chemotaxis signaling pathway. nature 484:233-236(2012).
6. j. yuan, k.a. fahrner, l. turner and h.c. berg, asymmetry in the clockwise and counter-clockwise rotation of the bacterial flagellar motor. pnas 107:12846-12949(2010).
7. j. yuan and h.c. berg, resurrection of the flagellar rotary motor near zero load. pnas 105:1182-1185(2008).