photoionisation detection of a single er3 ion with sub-100-ns time resolution
observing er3 sites in si with an in situ single-photon detector
spectral broadening of a single er3 ion in a si nanotransistor
zeeman and hyperfine interactions of a single 167er3 ion in si
single site optical spectroscopy of coupled er3 ion pairs in silicon
time-resolved photoionization detection of a single er3 ion in silicon
high-fidelity single-shot readout of single electron spin in diamond with spin-to-charge conversion
ultrashallow junction electrodes in low-loss silicon microring resonators
high-resolution spectroscopy of individual erbium ions in strong magnetic fields
control of circular photogalvanic effect of surface states in the topological insulator bi2te3 via spin injection
giant photoinduced anomalous hall effect of the topological surface states in three dimensional topological insulators bi2te3
single rare-earth ions as probe of electric field and strain in nano-transistors
helicity-dependent photocurrent of the top and bottom dirac surface states of epitaxial thin films of three-dimensional topological insulators sb2te3
inverse spin hall effect induced by linearly polarized light in the topological insulator bi2se3
photoinduced inverse spin hall effect of surface states in the topological insulator bi2se3
optical addressing of an individual erbium ion in silicon
tunable surface electron spin splitting with electric double-layer transistors based on inn
[patent] optical addressing of individual targets in solids