20240522 邀请报告 南方科技大学 钟满金副研究员-雷速体育app官方下载

 20240522 邀请报告 南方科技大学 钟满金副研究员-雷速体育app官方下载
20240522 邀请报告 南方科技大学 钟满金副研究员
发布人:中科院微观磁共振重点实验室  发布时间:2024-05-16   动态浏览次数:18

报告时间:2024年5月22上午9:30  (9:30, may22, 2024)

报告地点:物质楼b604会议室(room b604 , material science building)


characterization of the decoherence mechanisms of rare-earth solids for quantum memory applications





her research interests are on high-precision spectroscopy of rare earth crystals and using them for developing quantum memories in applications of long-distance quantum communications and large-scale quantum networks. she exploited techniques to extend the quantum coherence times of spin transitions in a rare earth solid to over 6 hours, which is going to have a significant impact on satellite and fiber optics-based quantum communication. a direct consequence of here work is the collaboration between anu and the germany aero-space centre (dlr) and nasa on the possibility utilizing her quantum memory technology in future satellite quantum communication missions. manjin and her team has recently extended the spin coherence time even further to 13 hours. in this talk, manjin will talk about her work on the characterization of decoherence mechanisms within the 4f-4f transitions of rare earth ions in solids and the effort on developing long-term quantum memories.




dr manjin zhong 钟满金博士 is an associate researcher and group leader of the solid-state quantum storage laboratory in shenzhen institute for quantum science and engineering at the southern university of science and technology (sustech, shenzhen, china). she graduated with a phd from the australian national university (anu, canberra, australia) in 2017, supervised by associate professor matthew sellars. she then continued to work at anu for a year as a postdoctoral researcher before she joined sustech in 2018. 
