邀请报告: novel phases in van der waals magnets and device applications
报告时间:2024年1月18日 上午10:00 (10:00, jan 18, 2024)
报告地点:物质科研楼a309会议室 (room a309, material science building)
the emergence of magnetism in twodimensional (2d) van der waals (vdw) materials has ignited a new realm of
profound inquiries into magnetism. in this presentation, we delve into the magnetization and spin dynamics of
2d magnets through the employment of highly responsive broadband ferromagnetic resonance spectroscopy (fmr).
our investigations involve emergent magnets such as fe5gete2, crte2 which are roomtemperature van der waals
magnets, and cu(1,3bdc), a quasi2d kagome lattice magnet. by harnessing the superior qualities of highquality
factor superconducting resonators, our fmr studies unveil a temperaturedependent landé gfactor, hinting at the
pertinence of orbital moments in these materials. furthermore, our linewidth analyses reveal intriguing spin
scattering mechanisms within van der waals magnets, underscoring their distinctive properties compared to
conventional magnets. we also introduce intriguing domain dynamics inherent to van der waals magnets through
ferromagnetic resonance and superconducting resonators. our experiments furnish vital insights into the magnetic
states and spin scattering processes in 2d magnets, paving the way for the development of spintronic devices based
on 2d magnetism.
件的开发,取得了一系列重要成果。曾主持美国自然科学基金等科研项目。研究成果发表于nature physics
nature communications physical review letters等期刊上,论文数量超过50篇,被引用次数超过2000次。