报告时间:2023年9月17日上午10:00 (10:00, sept17, 2023)
报告地点:物质科研楼a309会议室(room a309, material science building)
报告题目: evidence for finite momentum pairing in a centrosymmetric bilayer
a phase characterized by a spatially-modulated order parameter is counter-intuitive because of the entropy penalty that the modulations incur. its possible existence in superconductors was first proposed under conditions that the formation of cooper pair is limited to some segments of the fermi surface and that the cooper pairs carry momentum above the pauli limit. this prediction motivated experimental efforts to identify such non-uniform superconducting states in organic superconductors, heavy fermion compounds and cuprates. here we report evidence for another type of finite-momentum pairing that manifests below the pauli limit. it is driven by the orbital effect and does not rely on fermi surface segmentation. we have evidence for this spatially modulated superconducting state in a hexagonal mos2 bilayer through remote intercalation that offers both balanced doping and firm out-of-plane coherence across both layers.
报告人简介:this talk is given by dr. dong zhao from the max planck institute for solid state research, germany. dr. zhao has been actively involved in a broad research area, including organic semiconductors, ferroelectric and piezoelectric materials, and superconductivity in two-dimensional systems, with more than twenty publications. he received his bachelor degree in physics in 2011 from peking university. he did his master thesis in 2013 at philips research laboratories in aachen, germany, on exciton physics in organic lightemitting diodes, and received his master degree from karlsruhe institute of technology, germany. in2017, he received his phd degree from the maxplanck institute for polymer research, germany, with his thesis “polarisation dynamics in ferroelectric thin films”. since 2017, he has been working as a postdoc at the maxplanck institute for solid state research, germany. his current research interest is superconductivity in two-dimensional materials and heterostructures.