20230825 邀请报告 华为2012实验室 陈子赫博士-雷速体育app官方下载

 20230825 邀请报告 华为2012实验室 陈子赫博士-雷速体育app官方下载
20230825 邀请报告 华为2012实验室 陈子赫博士
发布人:中科院微观磁共振重点实验室  发布时间:2023-08-23   动态浏览次数:37

报告时间2023825上午9:30 (09:30, aug 25, 2023)

报告地点:物质科研楼a309会议室 (room a309, material science building)

报告题目: quantum simulations in two amo systems: lattice confined spinor condensates and trapped ions

报告摘要controllable quantum mechanical systems can be implemented to realize quantum simulations to study some less controllable or accessible quantum systems. atoms and ions are among those popular systems to do quantum simulations because of their direct mapping onto the hamiltonians people interested in, as well as their programmability of the interaction strength and range. i will first present the experimental results during my phd studies of our research on non-equilibrium quantum spin dynamics in the spinor bec (23na) confined by 3d cubic optical lattices, which serves as a quantum simulator to study the complex many-body dynamics around the critical phase transition point. then i will give a review of the quantum simulations of spin systems with trapped ions, including the equilibrium cases and the nonequilibrium phases of matter and dynamics. efforts of engineering works toward better trapped ion system will be emphasized in the end. 


报告人简介:华为2012实验室陈子赫博士,博士毕业于oklahoma state university  stillwater
