20240510 邀请报告 香港理工大学 peter a. tanner 教授-雷速体育app官方下载

 20240510 邀请报告 香港理工大学 peter a. tanner 教授-雷速体育app官方下载
20240510 邀请报告 香港理工大学 peter a. tanner 教授
发布人:中科院微观磁共振重点实验室  发布时间:2024-05-08   动态浏览次数:10

报告时间:2024年510日(周14:30 (14:30, may 10, 2024)

报告地点:物质科研楼c404会议室(room c404 , material science building)

报告题目:writing a research paper——some ideas for chinese students

报告人prof. peter a. tanner  the hong kong polytechnic university


报告人简介:prof. peter a. tanner



2011-2015年在香港教育大学, 京都大学,中山大学,  华南理工大学, 任访问教授 





1 d. xiao, h.-y. kai, g. jia, k.-l. wong, p. a. tanner, striking change in radiative lifetime and asymmetry    ratio with temperature for the double perovskite cs2naeucl6, advanced optical materials 2023, 2302261 (1-6).

2 y. luo, q. liu, p. he, l. li, z. zhang, x. li, g. bao, k.-l. wong, p. a. tanner, l. jiang, responsive regulation of energy transfer in lanthanide-doped nanomaterials dispersed in chiral nematic structure. advanced science 2303235, (1-24), 2023

3 d. wen, h. liu, z. ma, l. zhou, j. li, y. guo, q. zeng, p. a. tanner, m. wu, improved thermal and chemical stability of oxynitride phosphor from facile chemical synthesis for vehicle cornering lights. angewande chemie international edition e202307868 (1-6), 2023.

4 w. thor, h.-y. kai, y. zhang, k.-l. wong, p. a. tanner, thermally activated photophysical processes of organolanthanide complexes in solution. journal of physical chemistry letters 13, 48004806, 2022.

2 a. huang, m. liu, c.-k. duan, k.-l. wong, p. a. tanner, understanding the ultraviolet, green, red, near infrared and infrared emission properties of bismuth halide double perovskite. inorganic chemistry frontiers 9, 6379-6390, 2022.

3 w. thor, y. wu, l. wang, y. zhang, p. a. tanner, k.-l. wong, charging and ultralong phosphorescence of lanthanide facilitated organic complex. nature communications 12, 6532 (1-9), 2021.

4 a. huang, k. k. pukhov, k.-l. wong, p. a. tanner, temperature dependence of the local field effect in yag:ce3 nanocomposites. nanoscale 13, 10002-10009, 2021.

5 y. luo, l. li, h. t. wong, k.-l. wong, p. a. tanner, importance of volume ratio in photonic effects of lanthanide-doped lapo4 nanocrystals. small 16, 1905234 (1-9), 2020

6 j.-x. zhang, w.-l. chan, c. xie, y. zhou, h.-f. chau, p. maity, g. t. harrison, a. amassian, o. f. mohammed, p. a. tanner, w.-k. wong, k.-l. wong, impressive near-infrared brightness and singlet oxygen generation from strategic lanthanideporphyrin double-decker complexes in aqueous solution. light: science & applications 8, 46 (1-10), 2019

7 y. luo, z. liu, h.-t. wong, l. zhou, k.-l. wong, k. k. shiu, p. a. tanner, energy transfer between tb3  and eu3 in lapo4: pulsed versus switched-off continuous wave excitation. advanced science 1900487 (1-12), 2019.

8 g. bao, k.-l. wong, d. jin, p. a. tanner, a stoichiometric terbium-europium dyad molecular thermometer: energy transfer properties, light: science & applications, 7, 96 (1-10), 2018.

9 p. a. tanner, l. zhou, c.-k. duan, k.-l. wong, misconceptions in electronic energy transfer: bridging the gap between chemistry and physics, chemical society reviews, 47, 5234-5265, 2018.

10 l. zhou, p. a. tanner, w. zhou, y. ai, l. ning, m. m. wu, h. liang, unique spectral overlap and resonant energy transfer between europium(ii) and ytterbium(iii) cations: no quantum cutting, angewandte chemie international edition, 56, 10357-10361, 2017.

11 p.a. tanner, some misconceptions concerning the electronic spectra of tri-positive europium and cerium, chemical society reviews, 42 (12), 5090-5101, 2013

12 m. peng, x. yin, p. a. tanner, c. liang, p. li, q. zhang, j. qiu, orderly layered tetravalent manganese doped strontium aluminate sr4al14o25:mn4 : an efficient red phosphor for warm white light emitting diodes, journal of the american ceramic society, 96, 2870-2876, 2013

13 p.a. tanner, c.-k. duan, luminescent lanthanide complexes: selection rules and design, coordination chemistry reviews, 254, 3026-3029, 2010.

14 j. wang, p.a. tanner, upconversion for white light generation by a single compound, journal of the american chemical society, 132, 947-949, 2010.

15 p.a. tanner, c.s.k. mak, n.m. edelstein, g. liu, j. huang, l. seijo and z. barandiaran, absorption and emission of ce3 in elpasolite lattices, journal of the american chemical society, 125, 13225-13233, 2003. 

book chapter

1. b. yan, h. zhang and p.a. tanner, sol-gel preparation and luminescence properties of nano-structured hybrid materials incorporated with europium complexes, physics and chemistry of nanostructured materials, eds. s. yang and p. sheng, taylor and francis, london, 2000. ch. 26, pp. 207-210. isbn-0-7484-0873-8.

2. h. song and p.a. tanner, luminescence properties of rare earth doped nanophosphors, in doped nanomaterials and nanodevices, ed. w. chen, american scientific publishers, california, usa. 2008. isbn: 1-58883-110-8

3. p.a. tanner, lanthanide luminescence in solids, springer series on fluorescence vol 7: lanthanide luminescence: photophysical, analytical and biological aspects. eds. p. hänninen and h. härmä, 2011.  springer-verlag berlin heidelberg. pp. 183-233. isbn 978-3- 642-21022-8.
