报告题目:native approach to controlled-z gates in inductively coupled fluxonium qubits
the fluxonium qubits have emerged as a promising platform for gate-based quantum information processing. however, their extraordinary protection against charge fluctuations comes at a cost: when coupled capacitively, the qubit-qubit interactions are restricted to xx-interactions. consequently, effective xx- or xz-interactions are only constructed either by temporarily populating higher-energy states, or by exploiting perturbative effects under microwave driving. instead, we propose and demonstrate an inductive coupling scheme, which offers a wide selection of native qubit-qubit interactions for fluxonium. in particular, we leverage a built-in, flux-controlled zz-interaction to perform qubit entanglement. to combat the increased flux-noise-induced dephasing away from the flux-insensitive position, we use a continuous version of the dynamical decoupling scheme to perform noise filtering. combining these, we demonstrate a 20 ns controlled-z (cz) gate with a mean fidelity of 99.53%. more than confirming the efficacy of our gate scheme, this high-fidelity result also reveals a promising but rarely explored parameter space uniquely suitable for gate operations between fluxonium qubits.
马希铮博士,2020年毕业于university of colorado,导师prof. konrad w. lehnert。博士期间从事微纳机械振子和超导量子比特杂化系统的实验研究,相关工作发表在nature physics, physical review letters等期刊上。现任职于阿里巴巴量子实验室,负责超导量子比特芯片的高精度门操作等研究。