20210810 邀请报告 中科院理论物理研究所 陈一帆博士后-雷速体育app官方下载

 20210810 邀请报告 中科院理论物理研究所 陈一帆博士后-雷速体育app官方下载
20210810 邀请报告 中科院理论物理研究所 陈一帆博士后
发布人:中科院微观磁共振重点实验室  发布时间:2021-08-09   动态浏览次数:211



报告题目: probing fundamental physics using quantum sensor network

报告人:中科院理论物理研究所 陈一帆 博士后


报告摘要:ultralight bosons behave like coherent waves when the occupation number is large enough. such an oscillating background can induce a tiny signal to the visible sector. resonant detection of axion dark matter based on electromagnetic coupling is a popular direction attracting many ongoing experiments and proposals such as microwave cavity, lc circuit and superconducting radio-frequency cavity. a multi-resonator system with pt symmetry can strongly enhance the signal power and boost the search. on the other hand, a network of spin dependent sensors with long baseline can identity the microscopic nature of dark matter or other cosmological background and increase the spatial resolution for transient source like axion or dark photon wave from the superradiant black hole as well.



postdoc, 2019  now, postdoc, itp-cas, china

ph.d. 2019, lpthe, sorbonne universite, france

m.s. 2016, ecole polytechnique, france

b.s. 2014, university of science and technology of china, china
