20210809 邀请报告 犹他大学 赵悦助理教授-雷速体育app官方下载

 20210809 邀请报告 犹他大学 赵悦助理教授-雷速体育app官方下载
20210809 邀请报告 犹他大学 赵悦助理教授
发布人:中科院微观磁共振重点实验室  发布时间:2021-08-09   动态浏览次数:145



报告题目: precision measurements to search for ultralight dark matter particles

报告人:犹他大学 赵悦 助理教授

报告摘要:  dark matter (dm) comprises approximately 27% of the energy in the observable universe. its properties, such as its mass and interactions, remain largely unknown. unveiling the properties of dm is one of the most important tasks in high energy physics. exploring various dm candidates requires creative ideas and advanced technologies. i will first talk about how to utilize the gravitational wave (gw) experiments, i.e.  ligo and lisa, to search for ultra-light dark photon dark matter. we performed this search using ligo's data, and our result sets the world record on the unexplored parameter space. then i will demonstrate that the use of advanced quantum-limited mechanical force sensors can push sensitivity even further. at last, if time permits, i will review one of my ancient projects where we outlined experimental setups designed to search for kinetically mixed hidden-photon dark matter, using a tunable, resonant lc circuit.


赵悦,2003-2007 北大物理本科,2007-2012 rutgers大学高能物理博士,2012-2015 斯坦福大学博后,2015-2018 密西根大学博后,2018-现在 犹他大学助理教授
