20190720 邀请报告 美国凯斯西储大学 余昕教授-雷速体育app官方下载

 20190720 邀请报告 美国凯斯西储大学 余昕教授-雷速体育app官方下载
20190720 邀请报告 美国凯斯西储大学 余昕教授
发布人:中科院微观磁共振重点实验室  发布时间:2019-07-22   动态浏览次数:257

报告时间: 2019年7月20日10:00



31p magnetic resonance spectroscopic fingerprinting


phousphorous-31 magnetic resonance spectroscopy and imaging (31p-mrs/i) allows the assessment of mitochondrial metabolism in vivo.  however, current 31p-mrs/i methods are impractical for clinical applications because of the extremely long acquisition time to gain adequate snr. on the other hand, magnetic resonance fingerprinting (mrf) allows simultaneous quantification of several mri-sensitive parameters with unprecedented acquisition efficiency. its flexible encoding schemes have been explored extensively for various pplications, from neuro imaging to cancer detection.  most importantly, the fast, multi-parametric mapping capability opens the door for many biomedical applications that have not been possible previously.  this talk will discuss the development of mrf techniques for metabolic assessment inlaboratory animals at high-fields, with a focus on quantification of metabolicfluxes by combining mrf with 31p mrs/i.


dr. yu received her b.s. degree in electrical engineering from the university of science and technology of china and an m.s. degree from the johnshopkins university.  her research career in magnetic resonance imaging and spectroscopy began at mit, where she conducted her doctoral research at the mgh-nmr center, now the mgh/hst martinos center for biomedical imaging.  after graduation in 1996, she spent three years as a postdoctoral fellow at duke university medical center.  from 1999 to 2004, she was an instructor at washington university medical center.  she joined the department of biomedical engineering at case western reserve university in 2004 and was awarded tenure in 2009.  her main research interest is at the interface of mr physics and cellular physiology.  she has been the principal investigator of numerous projects and grants, including three nih-funded r01 grants.  she has served as a charter member of the nih bmit-b study section from 2013 to 2017.  she also serves on the editorial advisory board of nmr in biomedicine, and the editorial boards of the american journal of physiology – heart and circulatory physiology and quantitative imaging in medicine and surgery.  she was elected a fellow of the americaninstitute of medical and biological engineering (aimbe) in 2013.
