20190513 邀请报告 浙江大学 秦海燕副研究员-雷速体育app官方下载

 20190513 邀请报告 浙江大学 秦海燕副研究员-雷速体育app官方下载
20190513 邀请报告 浙江大学 秦海燕副研究员
发布人:中科院微观磁共振重点实验室  发布时间:2019-05-13   动态浏览次数:614



题目:single quantum dot spectroscopy: from single exciton to multi-carrier states

报告人:秦海燕 浙江大学 副研究员

摘要:colloidal quantum dots (qds) are semiconductor nanocrystals with their sizes in quantum confinement regime. for their outstanding spectroscopic properties, qds have promising prospects in optical and optoelectronic applications. in this presentation, dr qin will introduce their recent progress in exploring the emission properties and mechanisms of single exciton and multi-carrier states in qds using single-dot spectroscopy.


haiyan qin received her b.s. degree from zhejiang university in 2005. she participated in a joint phd program and received phd degrees in biotechnology from royal institute of technology in sweden in 2011 and in optical engineering from zhejiang university in 2012. she visited the state university of new york at buffalo during 2007 and 2008. haiyan joined prof. xiaogang peng’s group in zhejiang university as a postdoctoral fellow in 2012. she became a research associate in 2014 and an associate research professor in 2015. her research interest currently focuses on spectroscopic properties of nanocrystals by combining single-molecular microscopy and transient fluorescence spectroscopy.

representative publications:

1. xiaoqi hou, jun kang, haiyan qin*, xuewen chen, junliang ma, jianhai zhou, liping chen, linjun wang, lin-wang wang* and xiaogang peng*, engineering auger recombination in colloidal quantum dots via dielectric screening, nat. commun. 2019, 10, 1750.

2. haiyan qin, renyang meng, na wang and xiaogang peng*, photoluminescence intermittency and photo-bleaching of single colloidal quantum dot, adv. mater. 2017, 29, 1606923.

3. haiyan qin#*, yuan niu#, renyang meng, xing lin, runchen lai, wei fang* and xiaogang peng*, single-dot spectroscopy of zinc-blende cdse/cds core/shell nanocrystals: nonblinking and correlation with ensemble measurements, j. am. chem. soc. 2014, 136, 179.
