20190108 邀请报告 stockholm university 蒋庆东博士-雷速体育app官方下载

 20190108 邀请报告 stockholm university 蒋庆东博士-雷速体育app官方下载
20190108 邀请报告 stockholm university 蒋庆东博士
发布人:中科院微观磁共振重点实验室  发布时间:2019-01-08   动态浏览次数:675



报告人:dr.qingdong jiang, stockholm university

报告题目:quantum atmospherics

报告摘要:by altering the propagation of virtual photons, materials can influence the behavior of objects in their vicinity. they can cause forces on macroscopic bodies, or perturb the spectra of nearby molecular complexes.  i’ll briefly describe some new kinds of forces, but mainly discuss how symmetry breaking states of matter can transmit symmetry breaking effects to spectra.   i’ll discuss a few such effects, which involve the “axion electrodynamics” relevant to topological insulators, quantitatively.  then i’ll describe an operator framework whereby effects of this kind can be analyzed systematically, qualitatively, and discuss possible experimental implications. 


[1] q.-d. jiang and f. wilczek, quantum atmospherics for materials diagnose, arxiv:1809.01692

[2] q.-d. jiang and f. wilczek, axial casimir forces: dissipationless viscosity in vacuum,  arxiv:1809.08659

[3] q.-d. jiang and f. wilczek, chiral casimir forces: repulsive, enhanced and tunable, arxiv:  arxiv:1805.07994



qing-dong jiang is currently a postdoctoral researcher at stockholm university, sweden.  he received his phd degree (supervisor: x. c. xie) from peking university in 2017.   his interests include casimir forces,  chiral superconductors, and topological semimetals. 
